Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rawal Lake

Rawal Lake in Pakistan is an artificial reservoir that provides the water needs for the cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. This artificial lake covers an area of 8.8 km². Rawal Lake is located within an isolated section of the Margalla Hills National Park.
The area around the lake has been planted with flowering trees and laid out with gardens, picnic spots, and secluded paths. The terraced garden and the lake are used for picnics, fishing and boating. The highest point in the garden offers a panoramic view of the lake, Margalla and Murree hills, Rawalpindi and Islamabad.
Boating, sailing, water skating and diving facilities are organized by private clubs.
To the west of the lake is the Islamabad Club, which offers different sporting facilities
The reservoir is of considerable importance for wintering waterfowl, especially Anas platyrhynchos.
Resident mammals include the common fox, Pangolin, Porcupine, Jungle cat, Jackal, Wild boar and yellow-throated marten.
Reptiles include indian cobra and Russell's viper.
It is a good place for birds watching, as the majority of Birds of Islamabad are found here.
Features of Rawal Lake
Location: Islamabad Park Area
Longitude: 73° 7' E
Latitude: 33° 41' N
Catchments Area: 106.25 square miles (275 km²)
Features of Rawal Lake dam
Type of Dam: Partly Arched Gravity Dam (Stone Masonry
Crest Level: 1,742 ft (531 m)
Crest Length: 700 ft (210 m)
Max. Height: 133.5 ft (40.7 m)
Length 6991 ft
Height 24 ft
Type Ogee Gated structure
Discharge Capacity 82000 ft³/s (2,300 m³/s)
Length 3 square miles
Max. Depth 102 feet
Live Storage 43000 acre-feet (53,000,000 m³)
Dead storage 4500 acre-feet (5,600,000 m³)
Gross Capacity 47500 acre-feet (59,000,000 m³)
Left Bank Canal Length 5 Miles
Capacity 40 ft³/s (1.1 m³/s)
Right Bank Canal Length 1.5 Miles
Capacity 70 ft³/s (2.0 m³/s)

Drinking water supply
Rawalpindi 19.5 million gallons/day
Islamabad 2.5 million gallons/day

Command area
Agriculture 500 acres

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